As usual we begin with some items from the assaggini menu
At the front - Il Mongettino peperoncino ripieno e fritto (Crumbed Mongettino Chilli Peppers stuffed with anchovies and capers) - In the middle - Crocchette di Melanzane e mozzarella affumicata con salsa di pomodorini (Eggplant and smoked mozzarella croquette with roasted cherry tomato sauce) - at the back - Baccala mantecato all'olio extra vergine d'oliva su polenta alla griglia (Salted cod and Caroli Extra Virgin Olive Oil mousse on grilled polenta disc)
A better view of the Baccala mantecato
Vitello Tonnato con mele saltate, sedano giovane e capperi - Poached veal with sauteed apple, young celery leaves and capers served with tuna emulsion
This is probably one of the best vitello tonnato we've enjoyed - the veal was incredibly tender, almost like pate in consistency.
For mains:
Lonza di vitello in padella con verza brasata, insalata di carciofi e salsa ai porcini - Pan roasted veal loin with braised Savoy cabbage, artichoke salad and porcini sauce
Paalo throughly enjoyed his wonderfully tender veal - you could cut it with a butter knife.
Agnolotti di antra della casa su creama al porri con pinoli tostati, porri fritti e olio tartufato - House made duck agnolotti on a bed of creamed leek with toasted pine nuts, crispy leeks and white truffle oil
A really lovely dish, the agnolotti were surprisingly light showing a deft touch to the pasta making. The truffle oil would teasingly waft up between mouthfuls.
we couldn't go past ordering a side of peas and pancetta!
For desserts we decided on try a couple of cakes
Panettone pudding - Paalo has enjoyed this before and can't seem to go past it!
I opted for something different - semolina cake topped with red wine poached pears
The details:
Enoteca Vino Bar
920 Lygon Street, Carlton
corner of Lygon and Richardson Streets
Phone: 03 9389 7070
Monday: 8am - 4pm
Tuesday - Saturday: 8am - Late
Sunday: 9am - 5pm
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