A short walk from here straight down Via 27 Aprile will lead you to another piazza, Piazza di San Marco where you will find the Basilica di San Marco
This piazza is also a major interchange where you'll find many of the bus routes will converge.
There's a lot of work happening inside the church so you won't be seeing too much.
Just a block away is the Chiesa della SS Annunziata
If you look closely you can see a marker on the wall - this represents the water level during the 1966 flood. When you then think of just how far you are from the Arno you can then imagine just how destructive and damaging it was to Florence.
Quite an unusual looking church
Through the doors you'll find a large glass roofed area that leads into the church itself.
In the piazza della SS Annunziata you can find Giambologna's last work, the equestrian statue of Ferdinando I dei Medici
as well as two matching bronze fountains
On one side of the piazza is the old Ospedale degli Innocenti (Foundlings Hospital or Orphanage)
Constructed in 1419-24 it was designed by Brunelleschi, glazed terra cotta refliefs are mounted above each column
Follow Via dei Servi will lead you straight to the Duomo
My next port of call was the river again, this time to see the Chiesa di Ognissanti
Unfortunately the church was closed so I couldn't see inside but I could enjoy the river views - even if it was raining!
This is the Church of San Frediano in Cestello and that break in the water is called the Pescaia di Santa Rosa
Here's a view looking towards Ponte Vespucci
and the other way towards Ponte alla Carraia
A closer look at the Ponte alla Carraia
And this is the Ponte di S. Trinita with the Vecchio in the background
You can see the spire of the Chiesa di Santa Spirito
I had lunch is this little restaurant near the duomo
The food was fine but there are better places to eat in Florence.
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