Due to the upcoming Olympics, the Museum is undergoing a bit of a face lift so I'm unable to see some of the pieces but I'm more than impressed on what they have on show.
This is part of walls of Roman Turin - it runs straight thru the museum and the map shows you it's part around the old city.
This is the Chapel of Ellesija - cut from rock on the west bank of the Nile, it was consecrated by King Tuthmosis III in 1454BC. This temple was donated by the Egyptian government as thanks for the Italian effort in the rescue of monuments destined to be submerged by the Aswan Dam project.
Next comes the Statuario
The Goddess Hathor (left) and The Goddess Sakhmet (Reign of Amenhotep III 1388-1351 BC)
The God Ptah (Reign of Amenhotep III 1388-1351 BC)
Group Sculpture of the Pharaoh with the God Amun (probably reign of Tutankhamun 1333-1323 BC) and King Ramesses II (Reign of Ramesses II 1279-1213 BC)
Sphinx (Probably reign of Ramesses II)
Unfortunately the sarcophagus rooms were closed due to renovation but I did take a couple of pics from the doorway
Upstairs from the museum you'll find the Galleria Sabauda - no photos as cameras aren't allowed but it's worth a visit for some stunning art. The gallery was established in 1832 and contains artwork from the collections of the House of Savoy.
After my visit I decided to return to Palazzo Reale and a visit to the Duomo.
The Duomo was built in 1491-98 by Meo del Caprino and is Turin's only Renaissance church. The facade is white marble and the bell tower of Sant'Andrea dates from 1465.
Like many things in Turin, the church is currently undergoing renovations so I'm unable to view the altar and the dome. They do have a copy of the Shroud on display
A short stroll away is Porta Palatina
this dates from the first century AD and was one of the entrances to Roman Turin.
A few minutes walk away is the market at Porta Palazzo - the open air section is a mixture of fresh vegetables and fruit and since today is Saturday, there's also a flea market.
The fish market is undercover
once again I'm regretting not having access to a kitchen.
Heading down the pedestrian strip of Via Garibaldi there's another market, this time it's a small organics market situated in the Piazza Palazzo di Cittá.
When I passed by here a couple of days ago they were in the process of setting up those green and red decorations - now I know why.
I also make a return visit to the Santuario della Consolata located at Piazza Consolata. This church sits opposite Al Bicerin.
The Consolata was designed by Guarini in 1678 and replaced an earlier church of Sant' Andrea whose ruins are seen near by. The church's presbytery was designed by Juvarra in 1729 and the neo-classical facade is from 1860.
A Romanesque bell tower stands next to the church.
It's as I'm returning home that my day gets quite interesting. It seems that some kind of protest was going on and to put it mildly by the police presence this wasn't an ordinary march. Why this had a particular interest to me was that it seemed that the police lines where drawn at Piazza Savoia, right where by b&b was in fact My b&b was on the protesters side of the line.
It was interestingly to see how plain clothes police were just appearing from the crowds and donning protective gear to enforce the line. This was quite a tense situation and I decided on a more prudent course of action since I couldn't get into my room - I headed back to Piazza Consolata and the safety of one of it's restaurants.
Too early for dinner but not for aperitivo.
A fishy selection was offered -
fresh frittata, whitebait, calamari to name a few ingredients, served with wonderfully crusty bread and a refreshing "mezzo" of white wine.
As I ate dinner, I could hear the protesters chanting getting nearer - obviously the impasse was broken without any violence.
Now, what exactly were they protesting about? By the amount of fresh graffiti marking the buildings on the way back to the b&b it seems they are against the TAV.
This particularly odious piece of graffiti placed on a church told me all I wanted to know about the "people" that were protesting
If you'd like to see more photos click the link:
Egyptian Museum Set
Turin Set
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