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Friday, September 23, 2011

Alba - Giorno 10

We can't start off another day without coffee and with so many excellent cafes around us, why would we bother having one at home?

On the way back we notice some new signs have been going up...

be still my white truffle heart.
We did do some more shopping -

there is lunch sorted - bresaola and pistachio mortadella.

We did find this nifty coffee measure and tamper all in one

I also put these beautiful plums to use
to make a plum crostata - perfect with afternoon coffee.

Speaking of the afternoon, Mario offered to take around to see a couple of neighbouring towns

Serralunga d'Alba and Monforte d'Alba - which is just so very lovely and generous for him to do so. I've got to say that everyone we've met so far has been so nice and genuine - it makes you feel like you really have found home.


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